Unified administration platform for VoIP
Adportas MasterKall is a unified administration platform solution for VoIP that produces a complete, up-to-date report of the configuration status for telephones in an IP plant and compares these to a third party database, providing the option of automatically modifying this data within the plant for an overall balance regarding pricing, recording and LDAP.

• Monitors forwarding status (enabled/disabled forwarding) of phones registered in the system.
• Monitors registered phone status using parameters such as CUCM registration (active/inactive), changes in device name, number change.
• Generates executive overviews of individual history per extension, with the ability to export status change details as an Excel file.
• Users may be created with different profiles, associating reading, writing and modification skills.
• Generates Logs with activities performed by each user (add, modify, eliminate phones or lines)
• Injects changes in the IP telephony platform for third party systems such as pricing systems, recorders and LDAP servers.
• Gateways, dial peers and translations reports. - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
• Version: MasterKall 8.0
• CUCM Compatibility: Version 8.0 or higher
• Protocol: CTI / LDAP
• OS: Linux Centos V.6 or higher
• Remote access via VPN and counterpart for technic.
• CUCM Application User with AXL provileges.
• User credentials and network data for MS Active Directory connectivity via LDAP.
• Network access between Adportas MasterKall and platforms to be synchronized.